Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'd like to thank everyone for...

...all of the fantastic applications to be my new intern. As you can see from a previous post, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the emails, phone calls and my new venture into potty training. To help me get organized, I decided having an intern would really help me achieve my new goals. To apply you had to:

A. Be under the age of 17 months.

B. Have the ability to share toys and munchies and

C. Give good hugs. (References required.)

While I was at my family's Henry Hootenanny Hoe-down, I ran into my younger cousin Tyler. Tyler couldn't believe he was related to all of those people (and neither could I!) But I sat down with him, had a brief interview (Who's your favorite Muppet and why? What are your thoughts on applesauce?) and thought he was a great match. He will be telecommuting from Ohio.

This isn't Tyler's first appearance on the blog... We hung out together last year at the Hootenanny:

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