I lost Blankie. We went to the shopping center with the Barnes and Noble and the restaurant with the Fire Truck, and it was really, really windy! So windy that the tree that they used for the Christmas Tree at the White House - it blew down! I had it when I got out of the car. But somehow in the course of the day... I lost it. But Mommy said another little kid must have needed Blankie more than I did, so Blankie decided to go with the kid. I was sad. But then Mommy said it was time to go to Target because a new Blankie needed to choose
This is me and old Blankie. She was a great friend. |
So we got in the car (Dad and Mom looked like they were gonna cry, so I kept quiet.) And we drove to Target. I got in the cart and
SHAZAAM!!!! Like magic, it took off! And it was going here and there, and turning around, and doing all sorts of crazy things. And then it stopped in front of a big display of Blankies. And the new Blankie picked
**ME!!!** She's light pink on one side, and has pink, brown and white stripes. And she's soft! Really, really soft!
I thought old Blankie might come back and visit, but Mommy said it's good to love and miss the old Blankie, but now it's time to make new memories with new Blankie. I think I'll be okay, and I hope that new kid really takes care of old Blankie. To be honest, she was a little worn out - and she accidentally dipped herself in Mom's lasagna the other night.
When new Blankie is well-adjusted in the family, I'll take a picture and introduce you to her. She's really quite lovely.